We are composed of numerous chemicals and chemistry is associated with almost every aspect of life. It is related to us in every aspect of our lives. The food we consume, the energy we use to prepare the food, and the creation of every utensil.
It is such a fascinating part of science. You can learn about how things are made, starting from the smallest molecule. It helps you understand the world better.
It is one of the most interesting branches of chemistry and all the practical aspects of chemistry make this so fun. We won’t be teaching you how to cause a big explosion of course, but we will tell you what chemical reaction will cause instantaneous combustion.
Being interested in what we are made of and how different things work with each other is very natural. It makes the learning process all the more fun. And if you are not, well don’t worry because we have some interesting chemistry facts that are bound to get you hooked!
Here we talk about different branches of chemistry like analytical Chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and physical chemistry.