5 Amazing Chemistry Facts About Water

Image showing a wave graphics and text of facts about water.

5 Amazing Chemistry Facts About Water

Water is the most essential substance for life, but the chemistry facts about water are far more fascinating than most people realize. From its unusual properties to its role in sustaining life, water behaves in ways that defy common expectations. Here are five amazing chemistry facts about water that make it truly unique.

Water Expands When It Freezes

Image showing the ice floating and frozen water.

Most substances shrink when they turn from liquid to solid, but water does the opposite, it expands! This happens because of the hydrogen bonds between water molecules. As water freezes, these molecules arrange themselves in a hexagonal structure, which takes up more space than when they are in liquid form. This is why ice floats on water, preventing lakes and oceans from freezing solid and allowing life to survive beneath the surface.

Water Has a High Specific Heat Capacity

Image showing a field with water and a water boiling.

Other facts about water are it can absorb a large amount of heat without significantly changing its temperature. This is due to the strong hydrogen bonds between water molecules, which require a lot of energy to break. As a result, water helps regulate temperature on Earth, making it essential for stabilizing climates and keeping our bodies at a steady temperature.

Water is the Universal Solvent

Image showing water with salt dissolvinh in it.

Water can dissolve more substances than any other liquid, earning it the title of “universal solvent.” This is because its polar nature allows it to interact with a wide range of molecules, breaking them apart and dispersing them evenly. This property is crucial in biological systems, as it helps transport nutrients and remove waste in living organisms.

Water Can Exist in All Three States at Once

Image showing water and vapour.

At a specific temperature and pressure, known as the “triple point” (0.01°C and 0.006 atm), water can simultaneously exist as a solid, liquid, and gas. This rare phenomenon occurs when the conditions are just right for all three phases to be in equilibrium, showcasing the unique versatility of water.

Water Can Conduct Electricity

Image showing a motor connected to water.

Pure water is actually a poor conductor of electricity. However, when dissolved salts and minerals (electrolytes) are present, they provide free-moving ions that allow electricity to flow. This is why tap water and seawater conduct electricity well, while distilled water does not. Find out how electricity works.


Water is more than just a simple liquid. Facts about water is a marvel of chemistry with properties that make life possible on Earth. Its unique behavior when freezing, heat-retaining abilities, dissolving power, phase-changing properties, and conductivity contribute to its importance in science and everyday life. Next time you take a sip of water, remember that it’s not just essential, it’s extraordinary!


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