5 Facts About Air Pollution You Need to Know

Air pollution is one of the most pressing environmental issues today. While it’s a topic that may seem daunting or alarming, there are a few interesting and lesser-known facts about air pollution that can shed light on the complexities of this problem. Let’s dive into five fun facts you might not have known!

1. Air Pollution Isn’t Just Outdoor

Image showing a man smoking.

While most people think of smog-filled skies or industrial emissions when they think of air pollution, the truth is that it can also exist indoors! Common indoor pollutants, such as dust, pet dander, mold, tobacco smoke, and chemicals from cleaning products, can reduce indoor air quality. In fact, in some cases, indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air, especially in tightly sealed homes or buildings. Ventilation, regular cleaning, and choosing eco-friendly products can help improve indoor air quality.

2. Air Pollution Can Travel Long Distances

An image showing the industrial air pollution.

Pollutants don’t stay where they’re created. In fact, some of the pollution created in one region can travel across entire countries or even continents! For example, dust storms from the Sahara Desert in Africa can carry particles over the Atlantic Ocean and affect air quality in places like the Caribbean or even the United States. This phenomenon, known as “transboundary pollution,” shows just how far-reaching air pollution can be, even when the source is far away.

3. Trees Help Fight Air Pollution

An image showing trees and air pollution.

Did you know that trees can absorb harmful pollutants from the air? Certain species of trees are capable of taking in air pollutants like nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) through their leaves and roots. Urban areas with more trees have cleaner air compared to those without. Planting more trees and maintaining urban green spaces is an effective way to combat the negative effects of air pollution while also providing a more pleasant environment to live in!

4. Air Pollution Can Affect Your Mood and Mind

An image showing two person wearing mask.

It’s not just your lungs that suffer when exposed to air pollution. Studies have shown that poor air quality can also affect your mental health and cognitive functions. Exposure to pollutants such as particulate matter (PM) and ozone has been linked to increased stress, anxiety, and even cognitive decline. Also, the Facts About the Human Nose have something to do with the pollution. Long-term exposure to it may be linked to conditions like depression and reduced brain function. The air we breathe truly has an impact on both our physical and mental well-being.

5. Air Pollution Has Been Around Longer Than You Think

An image showing the air pollution.

It isn’t a modern-day issue created by industrialization. It’s been around for centuries and dates back to the Roman Empire, when citizens used coal for heating and cooking, causing smoky air and respiratory issues. One of the earliest recorded instances of serious pollution was in 1306 when King Edward I of England banned the burning of coal in London due to the harmful effects of smoke and soot. Air pollution has always been a concern for societies, but its impact has become more widespread and intensified in recent times due to rapid urbanization and industrial development.


These facts highlight that this issue is both complex and multifaceted. While it affects our health and the environment, we can combat it in many ways, such as planting trees, using cleaner energy, and improving air quality indoors and outdoors. Understanding these facts not only makes us more aware of the issue but also encourages positive action toward a cleaner, healthier planet.


Things to keep in mind when working out with sciatica

Our body is capable of many things. But, some ailments keep us from doing things temporarily or permanently. It can be difficult to navigate life with Sciatica, but you can always get better. Here is a list of things you need to keep in mind when you’re working out with Sciatica.

What is sciatica?

Sciatica is a nerve pain in the Sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the longest in the human body and controls the knee and the lower leg.  

When you have Sciatica, the pain originates from the buttocks and affects the backs or legs. It could be a moderate pain that will cause slight discomfort or very bad, making you immobile.

But this does not mean you have to stop living your life when you have Sciatica. You can still work out and do activities by being mindful of a few things. 

What are the things to keep in mind when working out with Sciatica?

There are certain things to keep in mind when working out with sciatica, which are listed as follows:

Improve your posture

Improve your posture for Sciatica

When you’re doing your Sciatica exercises, you should always check your form. These exercises are meant to help you, but the bad form can lead to other problems.

You can practice in front of a mirror or have someone check your posture when you’re exercising, to ensure you are not doing anything wrong.

Apply heat to your pelvis

Apply heat to your pelvis

You need to apply the heat to the rear end of your pelvis. Doing this for 10-15 minutes before the exercise can relax and soften your soft tissues. If your tissues are firm and rigid, it makes movement difficult and the exercise can be painful. 

Applying heat can also result in blood vessel dilation, which can improve blood flow to your lower back.

Do light exercises

light exercises for sciatica
light exercises for sciatica

You need to try low-effort exercises like walking or using simple sciatica exercises. These exercises will help you be flexible without straining your nerves or muscles.

The light exercises will also not feel overwhelming, motivating you to continue with it. Keep in mind that you do not have to sweat, you just need to be consistent with your movements first. You can focus on more later.

Be consistent with exercises

Be consistent with exercises

Even though you should avoid doing heavy exercises, you need to be consistent with the light exercises you do. This will make your soft tissue flexible and avoid rigidity.

To be consistent with your exercise, find ways to motivate yourself. You should not be focused on how long you did an exercise, but rather on how regularly you’re doing it.

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Know when to stop when working out with Sciatica 

No matter what people say, the advice that worked for your friend, may not work for you. So if you feel discomfort, don’t push yourself and shrug it off. Be mindful of how your body feels. 

Exercising regularly will be difficult but, you need to understand that it should help you get rid of the pain in the long run. If the pain is persistent or if the exercises are uncomfortable, speak out about it and find something that works out for you.


This is not professional medical advice on how to treat Sciatica, but rather just researched information to give you comfort and some idea. 

If you have Sciatica or think you have Sciatica, please make sure to seek professional help. We are not qualified, nor do we recommend just taking the help of an article for help.


1. What is the purpose of the sciatica nerve?

The purpose of the sciatica nerve is to provide motor innervation to the rear end of the thigh.

2. What are the main causes of sciatica?

Tumors, spondylitis, spinal stenosis, slipped disks or pelvic injury can cause sciatica.

3. How long does sciatica last?

Sciatica can last you anywhere from between 4-6 weeks. It can keep hurting if you do not take care of it.

4. What are the top 3 exercises for Sciatica?

Pelvic title, knee to chest, and lower trunk rotation are good exercises for Sciatica.

5. Is walking good for Sciatica?

Yes, walking is good for Sciatica. But you need to be mindful and do it in moderation.

6. Can Sciatica fully recover?

Yes, Sciatica can be fully recovered with proper care and consistent exercise and treatment.

What are some technologies used to clean up plastic from the ocean?

There are approximately over 5 trillion pieces of plastic debris in the ocean. These unattained plastics can break into microplastics which will affect marine life. 

However, the problem does not just end there, these microplastics will enter our food chain, which will affect the health of the people. It affects the metabolism, fertility, and neurological function of the body. 

For this reason, there are many institutions, governmental, non-profit, and private that care about the well-being of our ocean. This passion has created technologies that aim to clear the ocean quickly and efficiently.  There are many benefits if we stop using plastic items and recycle them instead, we can all help to keep our planet safe. 

This blog will explore the technologies used to clean up plastic from the ocean. It’s crucial to keep our oceans clean as it’s an urgent and alarming situation that affects the ecosystem.

What are some technologies used to clean up plastic from the ocean?

Floating Barrier by Ocean Cleanup

Floating Barrier by Ocean Cleanup
Technologies used to clean up plastic from the ocean

The floating barrier is a net that is meant to stop the plastics from floating into the ocean. They are made from nylon and trap stray plastics in the ocean. If you wonder if this would disturb the fish, no it doesn’t. It is specially designed so that the fish can move through the net.

The interceptor by Ocean Cleanup

The interceptor by Ocean Cleanup
Interceptor: Technologies used to clean up plastic from the ocean

The Ocean Cleanup does not just collect plastic garbage from the ocean. They know that by not allowing the plastics from the river to enter the ocean more than 50% of the plastics can be tackled. 

It is a barrier in about 1000 rivers, which does not let the plastics get to the ocean. It is U-shaped and placed in the mouth of the rivers to prevent any plastics from floating into the ocean.

4Ocean Pixie Drone

4Ocean Pixie Drone

This drone has helped combat the plastic debris in the ocean. This drone can carry material that is 0.12 inches. They can be both remote-controlled or fully automated. Another perk of this aquatic drone is that it can also detect oil spills and can also help us remove them from the water body.

4Ocean Collec’thor

4Ocean Collec’thor

The Collector is another one of 4Ocean’s technologies that aid in keeping plastic out of the water. These ocean waste collectors have no problem running all day. They are quiet so they do not have much impact on marine life. It can carry about 100 kg of waste and is efficient in power consumption too. 

4Ocean BeBot

4Ocean BeBot

BeBot is one of the more advanced technologies that is used to keep the ocean clean and plastic-free. These robots tirelessly sift through the sands on the beach to locate plastic and debris that are left behind by the people or that may have found their way onto the beach themselves. 

It does not release any toxins and operates quietly, making them safe for the flora and fauna on the beach.

What can you do to keep the plastics out of the ocean?

Switch to an eco-friendly alternative in your everyday life

an image of eco-friendly alternative in your everyday life

Change begins with you. If you want to make a difference, it should start with you. You cannot preach what you do not follow, that would make you a hypocrite. Some brands use sustainable and eco-friendly packaging, you can begin by supporting these brands. 

Influence people to reduce plastic consumption 

Influence people to reduce plastic consumption 

Many times it is people’s lack of awareness that is making them make the wrong choice. People may have heard ‘plastic is bad’ but may not know what ‘microplastics’ are or how serious ‘the plastic problem’ is to marine life. 

Don’t be pushy with the knowledge you have or you can come off as a bigot who is annoying. Just let them know about the alternatives and how they would help themselves and the environment if they make a change.

Take part in clean-up programs

Take part in clean-up programs

So many institutions are conducting campaigns to clean the oceans and reduce plastic waste in the ocean. Some campaigns are; the Clean Sea CAmpaign, Parley for the Ocean, End Plastic Pollution Campaign and Save the Ocean Campaign. You can also look up for campaigns near you on social media. 

You can go on the government site or follow non-profit organizations to keep up with the campaigns so you can make a difference too. There is power in numbers and it does not just make things easier for them but it also increases their credibility.

Support activists and people who genuinely want things to change

Support activists and people who genuinely want things to change

You will notice that people will just do things for the gram and publicity. This affects the image of real activists who want to change things for marine life. See who is passionate and genuine and attempt to support them. 

You can make donations to support them or tell them how their work is making a positive change and how it has changed your perspective too.

We are aware of the technological advancement that aims to make our lives comfortable. It is high time that we learn about technologies that aim to make the world a better place for both us and the life that we share our earth with. The technologies mentioned in the article are some of the many technologies used to clean up plastic from the ocean.

We need to understand that the ocean getting sick means that we will fall ill too. How we treat marine life, will get us in the long run. There is an equilibrium in the ecosystem and eliminating even the smallest of organisms will threaten the balance and our well-being.

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What is the Save the Ocean campaign?

It is a campaign by the Mirpuri Foundation that promotes smart fishing and the creation of new marine reserves.

What is being done to clean up plastics in the ocean?

A non-profit organization has been making technological advancements to remove plastics in the ocean.

What is the ocean cleanup invention?

It is also known as the Slat invention which consists of a giant tube made of durable nylon and plastic screen which is meant to trap plastic garbage in the ocean. This does not trap fish.

What is the new technology to break down plastic?

Scientists have developed an artificial ‘worm gut’ that will supposedly break down plastics.

Has the ocean clean-up been successful?

The ocean clean-up project has collected about  8,000,000 kg worth of plastic waste. This shows that this campaign is indeed successful.

What technology is against plastic pollution?

Technologies like the floating barrier help the ocean become plastic-free. Drones and satellites are also used to help spot the plastics in the ocean to get them removed.

Environmental benefits if society stops using plastic straws

We are designed for comfort but, ironically no amount of comfort is ever enough. It is this need for ease that straws were invented. It is such a minute invention but, it had a drastic impact on the lives of the people and the economy. 

This invention also helped people who were physically unable to properly drink liquid items on their own, drink themselves with no help. However, the material used for making these straws is what became a problem in the long run. In this blog, you will know the environmental benefits if society stops using plastic straws.

How widely are plastic straws used?

How widely are plastic straws used
How widely are plastic straws used?

Plastic straws were invented in the 1960s, as a substitute for paper straws. Straws were trendy and also made it easier for people who needed external help to drink. Straws are still used today. 

According to a study done in 2020, 500 million plastic straws were used in the United States alone, which increased in Europe to 25.3 billion plastic straws. These numbers prove that these straws are essential and have become a part of people’s everyday lives. 

So, even with the diverse effects that plastic straws have on the environment, people, and animals, it is not something that people can give up easily. 

What are the environmental benefits if society stops using plastic straws?

environmental benefits if society stops using plastic straws

There are many environmental benefits if society stops using plastic straws, we can help protect our planet and also protect lots of lives affected by the use of plastic. Some of the benefits of not using plastic straws are as follows:

Microplastic consumption

Microplastic consumption
Microplastic consumption

Plastic straws increase your consumption of microplastic. Microplastics are small and you may not even feel that you are consuming them, but in the long run, it will affect metabolism and immunity. These compounds are very toxic and can also affect your neurology and fertility. 

You do not have to give up on straws completely, you can go for safer, non-plastic alternatives that you can find in the market. But, please try and avoid them for your sake and your children’s sake.

Saving the animals 

Saving the animals
Saving the animals

A turtle being spotted with a plastic straw in its nostril was what created an uproar in social media which instigated people to give up using plastic straws and forced industries to switch to a safe environment-friendly alternative. But it is not just the turtles in the sea that are affected by plastic straws. 

Poor animals cannot distinguish between food and straws. This makes plastic straws a choking hazard for animals which could lead to their excruciating death. Both marine life and land animals are affected by improper disposal of plastic straws.

Protecting the environment

Protecting the environment
Protecting the environment

We know that plastics are non-biodegradable and will take hundreds of years to disintegrate. Plastic straws are a problem for the environment too. They are widely used and on a massive scale. 

Unfortunately, they are one-time use only and this increases their quantity in the landfills. Plastic straws take a while to disintegrate and do not ass any nutritional value to the soil. 

This means they serve no higher purpose other than helping you finish your drink in 15 minutes, and becoming a burden to the land.

What are the possible alternatives to using a plastic straw?

Sip-friendly cups

Sip-friendly cups

The largest Coffeehouse chain incorporated a different type of takeaway cups that do not need straws. Many places can follow this and start using such cups so people don’t have to use straws.

Paper straws

Paper straws
Paper straws

Paper straws are another alternative to plastic straws. They can be recycled and are biodegradable, meaning they do not harm the environment. 

However, there is a little setback with paper straws which marks it not the first option for people wanting to switch to environmental-friendly straws.

Edible straws

Edible straws
Edible straws

Edible straws are the outcome of the need to use less plastic straws. Plastic straws are non-degradable and edible straws can be eaten! It’s the same function with different results. Kwang-phil Kim came up with the idea of edible straws and he created the ‘ric straws’ in 2018. 

These straws are made from 70% flour and 30% tapioca flour and do not alter the flavor of the drink. You can simply munch on them or discard them after use without worry because these are 100% degradable. 

Papaya leaf stem

Papaya leaf stem
Papaya leaf stem

This is perfect for summer mocktails and cocktails. You can use papaya leaf stems as straws for your drinks too. They are biodegradable and elevate the visuals of your drinks too. It adds a bohemian vibe to your drinks.

Plastic straws may not seem like much they hurt a lot of things. Many people may argue that there is no difference in the use of alternative straws, but that is not the case. The results may not be visible now, but once you make the switch, you will feel the difference in months. 

Initially, it is the good feeling of doing something good for the environment and animals who cannot advocate for themselves. But later, you feel the physical difference it makes too. Even if it is one less turtle in pain because you chose to not use plastic straws, that is a difference made.

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How much damage do plastic straws do to the environment?

About 1500 metric tons of plastic is said to be out in the ocean by 2025 and this means 1 pound of plastic for every 3 pounds of fish. This greatly affects marine life, which in turn will affect life on land too.

What are the positive effects of plastic straws?

It is hygienic because it is used once and discarded, but you cannot deny that you will be consuming a small amount of microplastic each time you use a plastic straw.

Is banning straws effective?

As of now, we do not see much of a difference even after the use of alternative straws. But this does not mean a difference is not being made. It is the beginning of enforcing plastic alternatives in other packaging too.

Why are straws important?

Straws help you drink without spillage and it helps people with mobility issues to drink independently.

What can you use instead of plastic straws?

There are so many different alternatives to plastic straws today; you can use edible straws, papaya stems, or even paper straws.