History has the answer to so many of our questions. History also has the power over how we move forward with all the information it has in store for us. However, it is not always about bravery and discoveries; many times history can get pretty weird. Here you will explore the “most fascinating weird but true historical facts”.
A Greek Philosopher was killed for his joke
In the 3rd century, stoic philosopher Chrysippus, once saw a donkey eat a fig. He then remarked how the donkey should now have a ‘fine glass of wine to wash the fig down’. He found his comment so hilarious that he could not stop laughing and died of laughter.
Marilyn Monroe performed during the Korean War.
As weird as it sounds, yes, Marilyn Monroe did perform for the American troops in Korea in 1954. What makes it even more uncanny is that this performance was a detour from her trip to Japan as a newlywed bride to Joe DiMaggio. Talk about motivation.
The oldest Beatles fan
Although most of the Beatles fans were the youngsters of the era, John Mosely-Turner was the oldest, a WWI war veteran. He said that he had no secret to living so long. He said that he simply lived in the moment and did not dwell in the past.
He enjoyed everything in life and at the moment, it was the Beatles. He was 108 years old and he enjoyed the Beatles. He passed away at the ripe age of 111 nearing 112 and was known for ‘loving pop music’.
Napoleon never started a war.
Napoleon Bonapart, today, is known as the most courageous man who fought many battles. But contrary to popular belief, he did not go to war. He overlooked the battles and made strategies but, he was barely in any physical danger ever.
It was not because he wanted to save his skin but, because his soldiers could not afford to lose him. He was in charge of the platoons and he was their guide which won them numerous battles. Hence, he is often remembered as the hero of battles. He did not start wars, but he ended it.
In ancient Egypt, servants were smeared with honey.
In ancient Egypt, servants were smeared with honey but, not out of care for glowing skin. It was done so that the files would fly to them and stick to them, away from the Pharaohs. This made sure that the Pharaohs were not bothered by the files. At least the servants have soft, glowing skins.
I found this shocking and the most fascinating weird but true historical facts.
A tree was found guilty of murder and destroyed.
Nero Claudius Drusus was a Roman politician who helped conquer the German territory between the Rhine and Elbe. This brave commander had a very unfortunate death.
In 20 AD, he threw a pear up in the air and in an attempt to catch it with his mouth, he choked on it. The tree was charged with the attempt to murder and was found guilty. The people then destroyed the tree.
People in ancient Rome collected urine.
Urine was valued for ammonia. So, it was collected to be sent to Fullocina. It had so many purposes with its main one being used for indigo dye. Also, it was a sign of wealth in ancient Rome. So it was not unusual for wealthy families to collect urine from the public.
A 38 minutes long war.

The strange death of pro-British Sultan Hamad bin Thuwaini on August 25, 1896, and the subsequent ascension of Sultan Khalid bin Barghash were the direct causes of the war. At 38 to 45 minutes, the battle was the shortest war in history according to official records.
One British marine was hurt compared to almost 500 defenders who lost their lives. And thus concluded what is arguably the shortest war in history. The 38-minute-long war is a fascinating and peculiar historical fact. However, it’s also a mind-blowing fact because ending any war quickly is good, as I’m not in favor of prolonging conflict at any cost.
Britain stole the tea recipe from China
British are avid tea drinkers and it has become a character trait for them around the world. However, the origin of tea is probably what you might be expecting. Tea was not originally grown in Britain. The British East India Company devised a bold scheme to import tea plants from China and grow them in India under British rule at the beginning of the 1800s.
Robert Fortune, a hired Scottish botanist and plant hunter, was given this desperate job. Does this remind you of how Plankton tried to steal the Krabby Patty Secret recipe from Mr. Krabs?
Pretty sure, some of these most fascinating weird but true historical facts caught you by surprise even if it was not the whole list. Who would have guessed that the Great Nepolean Bonapart never actually fought in the war? As weird as it is, history is very interesting and this gave us an insight into how different people thought in the past.
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38 minutes was the shortest war in history! The Anglo-Zanzibar War took place between Britain and Zanzibar. The date of this conflict was August 27, 1896.
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The last woolly mammoth went extinct in 1700 BC/BCE. This indicates that the Great Pyramid of Egypt was constructed in 2580 BC/BCE, at a period when the cities of Babylon, Uruk, Harappa, and Mohenjo-Daro were at their heights and wooly mammoths were still a common sight. King Tutankhamun was born in 1342 BC/BCE.
Is history facts?
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